I have always been interested in what lies beneath the surface. When one investigates events that go on in the world sometimes the most benign stories can turn out to be something so much more interesting. This is why I decided to use the medium of paint as an analogy to current reality. I use the language of paint as a literal "medium" to express my ideas of current political relationships. By using paint in a more contemporary Modernist way I want to focus the conversation more towards the metaphor, instead of the often used analogy of "let me paint you a picture." In this time we live in of image fog and intersectionality there are many way to skirt the issue facing many people. This is why I use the painting medium to address issues facing us, without falling into the pit falls of mainstream western society media. As a result, when it comes to my work I try to explore what a painting has to offer beyond the two dimensional surface illusion. I want the viewer to look at the painting not only as objects, but also as a metaphor of opportunity, " painting can exist beyond the confines of its two demential surface.